Sunday, December 25, 2011

End of Year and A New Beginning

Merry Christmas! We approach the end of the year and a new opportunity for a fresh beginning. Best wishes everyone. Good intentions matter less than plodding daily action. Take up a fitness activity you can enjoy this year and do it daily. Take care of your well being and do not allow anything else to distract you from your goals. Investing in and maintaining a fit body and mind will pay big dividends in your daily work and family life both now and in the years to come. Hopefully many of you will find that Tai Chi fits the bill as it will help both mind and body.

I'll share a comment that nutrition and fitness coach, Covert Bailey, used to share. He said "People are always asking me, "What's the best fitness activity? Is it running or swimming or what? and I always tell them the same thing. It's the one you do."

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