Thursday, May 29, 2008

Calm, Tranquil Movement and Using the Mind Instead of Force

Two principles of Tai Chi are to move in a calm and tranquil way and use the mind instead of force. Practice in this way leads to a sense of peace and well being. It produces an alert, yet calm state of mind that is similar to the effects achieved by other meditation practices and does so while you remain alert, aware and moving about. Properly performed Tai Chi is a form of insight meditation.

A recent study from Britain, shows that meditation has positive effects on overall health and seems to alter the way the brain functions in a positive way. Meditation is now available throughout Britain and can be prescribed within the British Health system to treat depression and some other conditions. (

Having said that, Tai Chi practitioners have long said that Tai Chi improves health and one of the mechanisms is the calm, joyful, and meditative state of mind produced through regular forms practice. Even persons observing a Tai Chi practice report experiencing a sense of calm and tranquility.

So do a little Tai Chi daily and cultivate these habits of mind and body.

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